我不再說下去了,大罵三日三夜也罵不完,中國命數如此,天意吧! 如今有識之士禮失求諸野,開始摸索階段已經引來中華武術國粹份子說三道四,外行充內行,真是中華劍魂要現身化成厲鬼向那些人展示一下劍術見識了。
第一柄: 隋代古劍(581-618 AD)
此劍現存日本大阪shitenno寺中,劍銘有四個漢字 丙 子 林,有日本考古學者相信此漂亮古劍是一名中國劍匠所鑄,最後兩字是其名字。另有說首兩字是當時中國皇家曆法之特別名稱,如果成立,則日本傳說中有關此劍故事便是真的。此劍鑄成於丙子是隋朝 616 AD。
Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) sword preserved in the Shitenno Temple in Osaka Prefecture, Japan.
This sword exhibits clay-defined differential heat-treatment and the ridged "kiriha-zukuri" cross-section. Note also the distinct and independently-shaped point, which was optimized and designed for stabbing and thrusting purposes.
The 4 Chinese characters on the sword pronounce as Bing Zi Jiao Lin in Chinese; some Japanese scholars believe it was Chinese-made and that the last 2 characters "Jiao Lin" was the name of the swordsmith who forged this beautiful blade.
Another Japanese scholar believes that the first 2 characters "Bing Zi" actually refer to a specific year in the Chinese Imperial Calender. If that is correct,and that the Japanese traditional legend of this sword being the personal possession of Japanese Imperial Prince Shotoku is true, then "Bing Zi " would definitely refer to the year 616 AD of the Sui Dynasty, the year the sword was forged.
數柄: 唐代古劍 (公元前8世紀)
刀條現存 日本奈良Shosoin Depository。
2 Tang Dynasty Chinese blades (around 8th century AD) in the Shosoin Depository at Nara, Japan.
Both exhibit straight distinct differential heat-treatment patterns that could only come about through using clay.
The 3rd blade exhibits the ridged "shinogi-zukuri" cross-section, but there is a difference, the thickness at the ridge is approximately equal to the width at the back of the blade, later periods' Japanese swords have a ridge thickness that is greater than the width at the back.
thomas chen 先生的英文中華刀劍網網站
華人社會從來少有 六三四 和 修羅
所以日本劍道來到華人社會,跟對手比試或稽古時的輸贏看法,段位價值觀的看法,便會扭曲變質。一句: 「華人社會從來少有 六三四 和 修羅。」
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